Why Did Rihanna Cover Tame Impala? What inspired Her?

So i know a lot people are asking why did Rihanna cover Tame Impala, well you’re not alone. If you’re among those that want to know why Rihanna cover Tame Impala, then you’re in the right place, read through to find out. 

Background of Tame Impala’s Original Song

I know most of you don’t know what or who Tame Impala is, let me give you a brief background. So the person that led Tame Impala is an Australian musician that is known as Kevin Parker. He is so good that he  and his team have a unique style, they blend psychedelic rock and pop sounds, this make their sound really amazing.

So Rihanna actually covered Tame Impala’s song “New Person, Same Old Mistakes, it really is a nice song from their 2015 album Currents.  The story behind the song is about a person who has done things, the person wants to change, but he or she keeps making the same  mistake. There’s something about the song, it has this really soft and smooth vibe, this make the song even more unique.

So the  album blew up really fast, i mean it was a banger, a lot of people praised the song because of how Tame Impala mixed rock with modern pop elements. The song was actually one of their most popular tracks. Rihanna heard the song like any other person, loved it and made a cover for it in 2016

Why Did Rihanna Cover Tame Impala?

So the reason why Rihanna did a cover for the Tame Impala’s song “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” was because the song was a hit as that time and she, just like any other person loved the song, so she decided to jump on it. If you’re really a die hard fan of Rihanna, then you’d probably know that she loves trying new things and experimenting new sound. It was an opportunity for her because the song has a different sound from others. She did the cover and she included it in her ANTI album.

Another reason why Rihanna did a cover for the song and even included it in her album was because the song  resonated with the theme of her album, they had a lot in common, her album was about her breaking free from expectation, discovering her self and also figuring things her own way. One thing i loved in Rihanna’s cover was the fact that she didn’t change too many things in the original song, just some few change. Now this show how much she loved and appreciated Tame Impala’s work as it was

The fact that Rihanna did a cover for the song, even made the original song more popular.

How Rihanna Transformed the Song

Just like i said in at some point in this article, Rihanna didn’t make a lot of  changes in the original song, they are almost the same. it had the same beat, and even the same sound. I think the only major difference is her voice. You’d agree with me that Rihanna has a beautiful voice, now i’m  not saying that the Tame Impala don’t have nice voice, what I’m saying is that Rihanna has this really smooth and powerful voice. This was what polished the song and made the sound even better.

She didn’t changed the message or the vibes of the original song. However, because she has an  amazing voice, that made the song even better and stand out. She didn’t only made the song better, she made it even popular, she did this by introducing it to her audience



Author Bio

Gideon Josep Yakubu

Gideon Joseph Yakubu is a professional writer specializing in the entertainment niche. He has contributed to various publications and has even authored articles on Wikipedia. Gideon is passionate about delivering engaging and insightful content to his readers

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