Why Did John Cena Apologize to China? What Really Happened?

i know a lot people out there love John Cena and are concerned about the incident that happened in Taiwan. They want to know why China apologized to China, if you among those  asking this question, then this page is for you. Read through to find out .

Background on John Cena’s Career and Global Influence

I don’t think there’s anyone out  there who doesn’t know who John Cena is. I knew him way back when i was just a kid, he was my favorite wrestler.  Here’s his popular phrase we all know him for, “You can’t see me!”.  The moment you hear that, nobody needs to tell you that John Cena is around.

He is a good wrestler and has won many wrestle tittles and championships.   He doesn’t wrestle anymore, he is now into movies and i can you, he is doing really good at that. That man has multiple talent .

I’ve seen couple of movie he has featured, they are really good. He featured in Fast & Furious 9  and also in Bumblebee. He is so popular that even people in china, know him. And as you would know, China is big in entertainment too.

The Controversial Incident: What Led to the Apology?

John Cena got into a understanding with some nationalist in china. You see what happened was at John Cena was in the  Taiwan doing some promotion for  Fast & Furious 9, the movie was about to be out and they needed to promote it. So John Cena was invited for an interview in Taiwan. In the interview, he called Taiwan a country and that got some people angry in China

Now technically, he was correct because Taiwan is actually a country of it’s own, but the problem is that in china such topic is sensitive because some people still consider Taiwan as part of China, so calling Taiwan a country was considered disrespectful to the Chinese government.

So the producer of  Fast & Furious saw that this could be a problem, because the movie had a lot of fan in china and this little controversy could affect the movie’s permanence, so they told him to make an open apology which he did.

Personally, i think it was a honest mistake. But it’s a good thing he apologized though.

Understanding the Taiwan-China Relations

The whole Taiwan and China issue has been for a long time now. You see Taiwan has some characteristic that makes it an independent country, for instance Taiwan has it’s own currency, has it’s own government, Military and even flag. They made it clear that they were a separate country.

But the problem now is,  some countries  like the United States do not see Taiwan as an independent country, they consider Taiwan as part of China,  this has been an issue over the years.

China and Taiwan have not really been in good term because of this matter. China still believe that Taiwan is part of it, and so if anybody make a comment suggesting otherwise, it gets them really upset. That was exactly what John Cena did.

That is why the comment that John Cena made was sensitive, it’s because it is a controversial one.

John Cena’s Apology: What Did He Say?

After John Cena made the Statement that got some people in China angry, he quicky made a public video to apologize to the people China. In the Apology video, he actually spoke Mandarin, i was pretty surprised he could speak Mandarin. In the video,  he admitted that he was wrong, he made a mistake and that it was never his intention to offend them

I Just loved the way he used Mandarin to apologize to his Chinese fans,  that was sweet. Personally i  think it showed some level of sincerity.  That could be the reason why a lot of people appreciated and accepted  the apology.

There are some people from other countries that believe that his apology was not genuine. Some believe that it was  just to protect his career  and to make sure that Fast & Furious 9 didn’t do bad in China.

Reactions to Cena’s Apology: A Divided Response

You know one thing i’ve noticed about people, they will always talk and complain even when the matter doesn’t affect them or is not about them.

A lot of people out there loved and appreciated that he apologized. Some even loved him more because he used   Mandarin.  To them,  that was a show of respect and  i agree with that.  Because of the apology he made, it made it situation to calm and it didn’t affect the performance of  Fast & Furious 9 in China.

Other people on the other hand, especially those from the United State, think his apology was not genuine, and that he was only doing that to protect his career and to make sure that Fast & Furious 9 was not affected in any way. I don’t really see how that matters, the most important thing is that he apologized.

Was the Apology Necessary?

Personally, i think it was necessary, i mean this is a sensitive matter we are talking about, it is important to the Chinese, so apologizing to them and his fans in China was necessary. Plus situation like this could affect his career and his upcoming project at that time which was Fast & Furious 9.  Don’t forget that when it comes to market for Hollywood movies, China was among the biggest, so upsetting them could be bad for business.

There are also some people that believed that it was not necessary for him to apology because calling Taiwan a country was not wrong because Taiwan was governing itself,  it has it currency, it’s military and passport, so it’s okay to call it a country.


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