Why Did Fatima Think She Was Pregnant? What Made Her Think So?

There have been speculations on social media about the state of Fatima’s pregnancy. Some people are asking if she’s truly pregnant or why does she think she’s pregnant. Whatever is inside her, we know that it is slowly changing  her, she is no more the Fatima she use to be. If you want to find why Fatima thinks she’s pregnant, then you might want to read this article. 


Why Did Fatima Think She Was Pregnant?

There are few reasons that made Fatima think she’s pregnant. I’ll be naming some of the reason below:

1. Because Kristi Checked Her Initially and Found out She was Pregnant

Fatima was not feeling okay, so she told Kristi about it, Kristi  did some check up on her and found out that she was actually pregnant. That information registered in her head, she is convince that is pregnant.

2. She has all the Symptoms Pregnant women Have

Another reason was because she felt the same way pregnant women did. She had cravings, she was vomiting, she felt irritated and her stomach was even getting bigger. Those were clear signs that she was pregnant.

3. It was a Psychological matter

Remember that before she came to the haunted town she was told that she could not give birth ever again and now all of this factors is in play, she now has something  to hold on to that she could get pregnant, that might be another factor.

I mean if i was told I could not give birth again, and i see all the symptoms and i get told i was pregnant, even if someone told me otherwise, i would not just believe them right away, I’ll cling to the idea that i was indeed pregnant.

But is She Really Pregnant?

I think she’s pregnant, but there is something messing with the pregnancy and I think it is the forces in the town. Whatever it is, it is beyond science, it is something supernatural and that is why it is affecting her negatively and that is why when Kristi tried to look her up, she didn’t find any baby in her.

One of the reason I she’s pregnant is because she has all the signs a pregnant would have, plus the mysterious woman that always appears to Elgin has told him. In the Season 3 Episode 8 of the series, Elgin took Fatima an underground room, and there, he told her that the baby would be safe there. The only reason he knew that was  because the mysterious woman told him

How the Pregnancy Changed Her?

Fatima was always this cheerful and happy person, but the moment she got pregnant, things changed. She was no more the cheerful person. She developed craves for weird things like rotten vegetables and even human blood, that is not normal.

She started having anger, it was so bad that she unintentionally killed someone at the colony House.. All of these is a clear sign that something is wrong is wrong with Fatima, it could be whatever is inside or just the town messing with her body.

Author Bio

Gideon Josep Yakubu

Gideon Joseph Yakubu is a professional writer specializing in the entertainment niche. He has contributed to various publications and has even authored articles on Wikipedia. Gideon is passionate about delivering engaging and insightful content to his readers

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