Fatima has been going through a lot in season 3 of the TV series from. Ever she got pregnant she hasn’t really been herself, she’s been having this crazy craves and one of them is eating rotten Vegetables and fruits. What really made those rotten vegetable? This is what we’ll be showing you in this article, so read through to find out.
Introduction to Fátima’s Character in From
There are many characters i love in the TV series From and one the character is Fátima. She is an amazing person, always welcoming and accommodating. You’ll always see her wanting to help and make people feel comfortable no matter how uncomfortable and scary the town is. She met Ellis Steven, they both feel in love even got married.
In the series, we see that Fatima is a strong and determined woman. She’s see beauty in everything. In the haunted grown where everything seem dark, she manages to see the beauty in it and she help people see it too.
When Julie and her parent newly town and Julie choose to stay at the Colony house, she was sad and didn’t know how to cope. It was Fatima who looked out for her, showed her that she could make her stay there enjoyable and with time we see that Julie adapted and became use to the place.
is Fatima Really Okay?
Something is definitely wrong with Fatima. The season three Episode 7 proves my point. When Fatima became pregnant, she started having complications. She could not eat normal cooked food, the smell of it made her throw up. At some point she even went without food for 3 day.
She craved for weird things, like rotten vegetables and fruits. it was bad that she craved for blood. Someone died at the colony house from bullet wound and Fatima was all in licking the person’s blood and enjoying it
Why Did Fatima Eat the Rotten Vegetables
The reason why i think Fatima was eating rotten vegetable and fruit was because the town was messing with her body. I understand that she got pregnant, but there’s something wrong with that pregnancy and it’s not normal.
Whatever is inside her is what’s making her eat those rotten food and it is what is making her really angry. She got angry at some point that even killed someone, that wasn’t her, that was the thing inside her.
It might be baby inside her and it might not, i can’t tell! But whatever it is, the town has some hand in it.
it was really bad to see Fatima in the situation she is. Whatever is is wrong with her isn’t normal, something is messing wither body and making her do things she isn’t suppose to do.
She isn’t herself anymore, she’s down and she’s no more the cheerful Fatima she once was. All this is because of her pregnancy that isn’t normal. But i believe she and Ellis, with the help of Boyd, will get through this. She is a strong